Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It works for us.

I used to have one of these blogs many, many years ago. I believe I started when I was 14. Seems like a lifetime ago. I do remember that it felt so nice to have a place to write down thoughts & events of the day with un-biased response. It was therapeutic. Now I feel the need to have another one.

  • My name is Casandra, but please don't call me that:) I have been called Sandy since the day I can remember.
  • I am 26 years old...which I think is NOT OLD....considering that I will soon be in my 30's, it is not old.
  • I have the most wonderful, chaotic family with my high school sweetheart. (We have been rumored to be incredibly fertile. The rumors are true.)
  • I am a medical assisting student, soon to be graduate. I have worked so hard over these 2 years that I feel I deserve a parade, but I won't hold anyone to it:)
  • I have a tendency to always think of the feelings of others before my own. You may think that I am bragging that I have such a "sought after" quality, but it is as much a curse as a blessing, and I think after reading for awhile, you will understand why.
  • My children and my husband are my UNIVERSE. If you have children, I expect you to understand. A waitress will get a tremendous tip if she is kind and pleasant to my kids. If you upset them in anyway, be ready for mama bear.
  • I LOVE ROCK. There is something about the whole band element that melts me. Play a guitar, you win. I watched my husband play with a band years ago and I have never seen him look so delicious:)
I am speaking a lot of my family, but I haven't introduced them yet!

Josh is my high school sweetheart/husband of 4 years. We started dating when I was 17 and he was 16 in 2002. I swear once we met it was like a train. I only thought of him. He was my everything, and still is. It looked like teenage love, but it was so much more than that. We have been through quite a bit of the drama that comes with pigheadedness of being a teen, but somehow we survived. In 2005, we discovered that we were pregnant. I was 20 years old and we weren't married. It was disappointing to some, but as soon as I found out, I was in love.

Our daughter Jaeda Leigh was born February 18, 2006. She was absolutely perfect. Besides being stubborn and not wanting to come out, she was perfect:) Our family had started and the day we came home from the hospital, Josh gave me my engagement ring. It seems out of order, but it worked for us. We were so happy to start our lives together with our daughter in tow.

When Jaeda was 8 months old, SURPRISE! We are pregnant again!! The shock initially wasn't so bad. We had one child, how much harder could another one be?? Well, I started having some complications, so we decided to take a look at the baby to make sure everything was going great. And, oh gees, there were two.

Jenelle Layne and Ethan Elijah were born on July 27, 2007. Jaeda was only 17 months old.
It sounds crazy. That's because it was. I am not going to dumb it down any, I was going crazy. One baby to three babies is no walk in the park. If I didn't have Jaeda first, I think I would have run away (not literally, but you know what I mean). They were so much smaller, much more fragile. After the first few months, it became easier. But people never stopped staring when we went to Walmart.

Our life today is still as you imagine it---chaotic. Jaeda is about to be 5 years old. She is in preschool and getting ready to go to kindergarten. Besides being a girl, she is everything like her father. Her looks, her charm, her stubborness, and her manipulation skills:) I love her to pieces and would not make it without her. Jenelle is a completely different story. She is quiet until she let's you know her. She is prissy, full of attitude, and such a diva. Don't get scared off yet, she is just leaning towards the side of caution. Once she let's you in you will find out she LOVES to sing and can mimic with the best of them. Ethan is my little cuddle bear. He loves attention and is turning into the ultimate boy. He pesters his sisters for sport and laughs the most addictive laugh. He's a giant ball of energy and I keep trying to find ways to let him vent it.

We currently live in Indiana, with Josh working across the country in Phoenix, AZ. Before you ask why I am not with him, his work is seasonal. Eventually he will come back over here. Jaeda is in school so traveling as a family isn't an option. This is another reason to me starting this blog. I am having some trouble finding confidante friends here, so the venting is not as frequent as it should be. I miss the company of friends so much, but I will survive. I always do. We started with nothing. Living with my parents when my daughter was born to moving anywhere and everywhere in search of greener pastures. So far, this place has brought us so much. Sticking it out in the hard times really helped us survive as a family. Even though Josh is gone, I know he would rather be home with us. He is my hero. Correction, he is OUR hero. He will do anything for us, even move across the country. Most people cringe at the story of our life, but it doesn't matter. What some people are incapable of is a walk in the park for Trejos. It works for us.

Until next time,


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